suicide and its cause

 In today's society when we see that even a successful person committed suicide at that time we will become totally inquisitive why ??

so in this article what are some reason and what kind of changing we should bring in ourselves.  

Some main reason of suicide is

·         If we are totally separated from society

·         If we are comparing from that kind of personality in front of them, we are nothing, we understand that time

·         We are worthless no one is there for me in society (lack of close friend or real friend)

·         We have not that much strength to fight with situation, tolerate the situation or loneliness

·         Lack of emotional support, when we no one is there to support me emotionally where we can share our emotion our heart,

·         When we are totally dependent on someone and we missed that person or we are being cheated or exploited by that person

·         We have seen many times if someone is being insulted by someone and he unable to take revenge or unable to do anything and later he commits suicide

·         Very high expectation and we got nothing

·         Unable to tolerate failure 

suicide and its cause


Cause of these reason 

·         One of the main reasons of this problem is that we are not sufficient trained how to face difficulties of this world how to face failure. There is some problem in society which we can't surpass we have to face, that will sure come in everyone's life we have to learn how to deal with those problem. There is some problem like disease, death, old age.  These are not in our hands some others problem like sometime distress, anxiety, frustration this problem is common for everyone and some other problem like earthquake tornado we have to learn to face this problem. Nothing is permanent in this world and not any friends, relatives and our spouse they are also not permanent any moment they could leave. Same thing our post and position is also not permanent maybe this time we are the richest person, after sometime some other person will become richest like you can see the bill gates from so many years he was the richest person but now he is not. A sober person knows this and he will not be perturbed or insecure by these problems because he knows this is the law of this world and he do not want to become supreme.

·          In Ancient India there was a culture of Gurukul system still there are so many Gurukul in India the purpose of Gurukul was to trained a child how  he will face the problem of life when he will enter in married life  in married life , business life and which kind of problem he is going to face further in outside . The system of Gurukul is even if you are a son of a richest person and even if you are a son of a poor person you all have to live together, very simple life and very austere life you all have to grow crops by yourself milking cow by yourself and cleaning and cooking everything you all h have to do by yourself there is no any facility you  have to learn scriptures and etiquette after 25 year every student becomes powerful and strong in physically, mentally ,intellectually . The principle of Gurukul was simple living and high thinking, how you can reduce your necessity of life and still you can live your life in very happiest way, that is why nowadays i have seen lots of western people they are also sending their child in these Gurukul to take training.  all students have to wear only simple cloth loincloth there is not any differentiation.

ISKCON News: Interview with Small Boys from the Mayapur Gurukula ...

·          But nowadays no one is giving training to children they are doing whatever they want and in modern school on the name of teaching they are also making a children butcher giving wrong definition of success teacher are characterless they are also making their students characterless.  parent is also engaged in earning money they have not   sufficient time to train their children. In some cultured family mother is totally dedicated to their child till the time their child not become sufficient mature to understand the things. If someone is not there to train him children are just simply engaged in nonsense activities even they are not learning where I have to compromise where they have to respect others sentiment so you can see in today's children no one has sentiment no one has emotion for other people they just want to do to what their mind is saying and for this they can break anyone heart the can hurt. any people they have not any respect for society, families. 

Parenting in an age of unruly children | RNZ

People are just simply hankering to become number one. They are thinking that position will give me happiness.

·         We have millions of followers on social networking sites but a not a single friend in our life we are so alone that sometime we think that we are useless and sometime we commit suicide also.

Do you want happiness or suicide?

·         Do not be entangled by these allurements. Stop yourself and connect yourself with people and god, serve the people and serve the lord then you will achieve real happiness and satisfaction.

Relationship vs. Fellowship With God — Bob Yandian Ministries

·         Just few days before many great personalities they have committed suicide they have also given wrong message for their follower after their suicide many other people also committed suicide those who have not sufficient guts to face difficulty so they are murderer also, because they are ideal for lots of people. Millions of people are their follower and they learn from them wrong definition of success and they will also not fight with difficulties of life.

·         After their suicide we have seen many others people also committed suicide.


·         Happiness is not that much costly its very cheap but do you want happiness or suicide ?? you have to decide


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