- We should focus on root cause
In any crime when police caught any criminal they immediately not punish him or they immediately not hanged him policemen apply lots of trick and strategy to know the root cause of crime or criminal ,because government do not want to kill the criminal they want to end the crime and root cause of crime .
- Todays situation
In the same way today we see lots of rape of women is happening in world. Only in USA every year 237,868 victims of sexual assault every year, and many of them do not reveal, the average is 20 we can think this is so common in most safest and secure country of the world even after rape women do not want to go in police station they just tolerate just how worse situation of country is and people of country. Because women also thinks its okay why should i waste my time on police station , just tolerate and focus on work .
- Big big celebrity also have faced
In few years some women are become more open and they started revealing truth and we know you also know that many big personality or worlds popular celebrity some of them are actress Teri Hatcher, Jane Fonda, Oprah winfrey , Lady Gaga, Gabrielle union, Fran Drescher, Fantasia, and many Bollywood actress also revels that she also faced sexual assault we all have seen in me too movement . Many of them reveals that she was being raped in beginning then it comes in my mind oh my gosh , this is the situation of women in most safest and secure country what to speak of other places .
Why government is not focusing on these problem ? What is the root cause of these problem ? Why again and again this kind of phenomena is happening?
- Pornography and government
If we go in deeper we will find that one of main reason is too much sex desire in people, but we do not want to make them normal , rather than government are more arousing or priming these desire we do not want to uproot .
The highest rape ratio in the world is US. And US is the biggest porn video maker in the world every thirty minutes in us they are producing one porn movie , and one of the biggest part of revenue of country they are collecting from porn industry even more than the collection of google, microsoft, facebook , national football team and national basketball league .
- Effect of pronography
And how these videos is effecting people and children and evoking them for rape we can understand by some real story
A 22 years old man lured a 5-years old child chocolate and brutally raped her. rashmi rajput
Another story of a where two 10 years old boy raped a 7 years old girl , when police asked they said that they have learn from porn videos.
Another a big story of Delhi Damini rape case where they raped brutally and after they killed her , when policeman asked they say they have watched porn videos that day .
And these kind of lots of rapes is happening in every country and states you can find on google .
- Brutality after Rape
There is no doubt porn videos are the biggest reason of rape in the world that is also made by women and they are harming women only. When sex impulse comes people become so agitated they can kill any one if someone's stops him by doing rape . We can understand it from these incidence .
In India Madhya Pradesh a person raped her sister, sister in law, mother after that their family killed them ,
Another incident in Uttar Pradesh a person raped mother, and daughter and then killed all their family from bricks in night .
Another incident of Dr. Priyanka Reddy case she was a doctor of animals four accused raped her and after that burns her body
Another incident of one person in Orissa he killed whole family member and raped her daughter .
- Solutions
In every one sexual desire is already there put this porn industry is like fuel in fire they are totally aggravating and inciting people for rape . If someone is addicted to it they should avoid by watching these videos , and Government should also should not support these kind of industry just only for few revenue they should stopped these kind of industry then he will the success , by watching these kind of things human is bringing beast from within and by stopping these things they can bring best from within.

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