As a counselor and life coach what i have observed in last five year specially in the case of live in relationship i am going to tell you some critical thing it may be appears some harsh but this is reality try to read carefully and think on it . 
If you are thinking to go in live in relationship wait ! just think before it this is okay for you ? is this okay for your future ? we will discuss here which kinds of problem you are going to face or people are facing after living in relationship specially women . Nowadays especially in western world, it starts from western world and after that now so many countries started following this way of living specially modern youth .
Is Living Together Before Marriage A Good Idea? | Pune365
But we don't know the consequences , and in long term the result is coming like heartbreaking , depression, stress, suicide . In one research it is found that 70 percent cases of living in relationship they do not able to maintain whole life, after some time they separate before marriage or they take divorce after marriage with fight .
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 It is found in survey that after sometime men they do not take same interest in partner as before marriage but the women have same expectation if she not receive in same quantity of respect or interest she become stressed or it changes into fight and after sometime it changes into divorce or breakup.
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women are quite more responsible than men so most of cases it happen that responsibility of children goes to women , and after breakup or divorce she also take care of children and it becomes tough for women so why not careful before going in live in relationship?
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Just think,  if he has that much love for you then why not marriage why only live in relationship , this is very hard to believe but this is very harsh truth for everyone specially for women although everyone is saying that women have equality she is not inferior from men still people are exploiting them mentally by giving them the wrong definition of equality and independence.
Body Language and How to Read it | LoveScene Magazine
 Because 90 percent of the cases women are being exploited , women are equal then why in most of the cases you are making naked to a women only , same thing in others situation they are using as a decoration women is not decoration and made for live naked they are promoting that women should live like this in same way in pornography no one seeing any male in porn videos , it the same way they are saying that if women will live together in live in relationship she is equal but not there is not any harm to men harm goes to women only in long term only women suffers only only , so yes women are equal but not like what generally people are saying to show your freedom in this way they just exploit .
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we can see in some religion also specially Christian, Judah , Islam , Hinduism , Buddhism , Jainism, Shikhhism and other religion there is concept of marriage just to give equality to women and men becasue men is taking responsibility not only enjoying 
Man cuddling taking care of sick wife in bed
 but now a days they do not want to take responsibility just want to enjoy with so many girls and they are making fool to women to express their equality and independence in wrong way ,  like live in relationship she is not animal we are human being we have such emotion we are more intelligent than animals that is why there is concept of marriage to protect women from being exploited .
I Married An Irresponsible Man

 And live in relationship is a part of that, because why live in relationship why not marriage?
 if you do not want to make  yourself as a cheap women or a instrument of sex then you can live but after marriage in college time also because there  must be some commitment there is no value of promise or faith only, it changes very soon we all know what is the value of word given by a partner especially in relationship , if you all have commited in front of family or court you will take seriously.   and you both will try to cooperate.
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 other wise live in relationship even a small fight some time changes into breakup or separation , and after marriage you both can continue without any anxiety and live happily.
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 this article may be appear harsh or hard but this is reality we cannot ignore reality or our psychology 
we are not against of men or any gender but just we want to save women from being exploited and give her real equality men should also think on this topic because in future he will also become father of daughter and may be she has sister so he can think about her .
Thank you very much  to all my reader any kind of comment or question is welcome you can also contact with me through my email id


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