Enthusiasm is very important to become successful in any particular field or subject . A student , businessman, artist , sportsman or anyone else one who wants success he he should must be very enthusiastic in his field .
Often we see that at the time of starting any work we have so much courage , enthusiasm and determination to start any project or task , but after some time we started losing our enthusiasm in that task and we started feeling bor or started doing task out of duty and after some time we leave that task .
what is the benefit of enthusiasm ?
- Enthusiasm makes your work easier
- if you are enthusiastic even toughest task you will i can do nothing is impossible i will do , i will achieve , you can take example of a subject if you are not interested in that you are just studying because that is your duty you have to study that subject, somehow or other we read that subject without taking interest , but if you have interest in that subject and you are enthusiastic to complete that subject without any problem you will read that book so it makes your work easier
- 2. Enthusiasm will cover your big big obstruction and hurdle in the path of your project
3. Enthusiasm itself is a motivation there is no need of motivation from outside you will all self motivated to do your project
- If you are enthusiastic you will feel always motivated to do any task in any situation you will be always ready to chase any difficulty and there is no need of external motivation ,
4. Enthusiasm will stop you to divert from your path
- if you are enthusiastic whenever you will diverst from your project path or task path it will make you remember don't go in that path you have to do something so let us go and engage in that task that is very needed and important for you
whenever you will waste your time your enthusiasm will make you repent , so in this way you will also protect your self from time wasting
Never leave you enthusiasm and till the time your are enthusiastic try to finish that task in your enthusiastic period only , because after a period of time peoples loose enthusiasm and that time task will become so tough for that person and he looses taste and most people leave their task so try to finish in your enthusiastic period only
How can we maintain enthusiasm ?
you can maintain your enthusiasm by always think about what you will achieve after finish this task , and then what you will become in future if you will succeed in this project , and always think that if you will leave this task in between or incomplete it will become your habit for whole life you will never be succeed in any field , because this is the trick of your mind to make you bor just before your success and if you will tolerate that no one can stop you in achieving your success.
any question or query you can ask in comment box or any feedback is welcome
thank you very much
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