Main cause of Divorce is lack of Emotion
Oh my dear friend , are you really in love with her ? Do you know what is love? what you are thinking that is not love ! that is lust only you just want to enjoy with her without any hurdle or obstruction 

otherwise why you leave your last girlfriend , last time you also told me same thing that you are in love with her , but finally you left her after two year , you enjoyed alot with her you fulfill your physical desire but where is love ? so now at least you believe on me that what you are doing in any situation that is not love , i have remember your ex girlfriend she was crying alot and she also tried to commit suicide when you cheated her

so you are planning again to cheat a new girl , please leave her don't play with anyone emotions
you know if kill someone they will die immediately but this is so painful a person feel suffocation till their last breath , they will never enjoy again in his life with his heart they can do superficial but not from heart so just try to understand we are not animal we are human being we have such a special emotion this is not recyclable so we can break again and again and then heal ,

this is nature of human being to make connection for whole life with anyone if we feel love for someone in beginning or we can say first love or marriage but due to unlimited lust we forgot that there is a heart and emotion behind anyone's physical body , we focus a lot on only physically and then we don't want to compromise where there is love there is sacrifice and cooperation without sacrifice and cooperation there is no possibility of love it mean we just want to enjoy we can see in old era our parent and grand parent or great great parent they used to marry with one only and they remain together till last breath that is real love , nowadays no one wants to compromise with their ego , everyone has their own ego no one want to crush their ego or smash their ego or suppress their ego, from this kind of behavior person is becoming emotionless day by day and in youth may people survive with so many partner and fulfill physical desire but in long term in last time most of the people they become alone only , many person commit suicide only or they life is totally emotionless , which is against of human nature , why you are playing with your life and someone's other can't you control on your too much bad desire which is always hankering for enjoy with lots of partner and rascal mind? try to teach them what is beneficial for you, always be careful to select any partner in our life and if we have selected never think to leave, just be with them till your last breath then you will feel a real happiness in your whole period of life and you will get a real person in your life who can understand and who will support you when you will in any difficulty and you will able to share your heart , you will feel intense pleasure , be honest and mature and live long blissfully .

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