

 In today's society when we see that even a successful person committed suicide at that time we will become totally inquisitive why ?? so in this article what are some reason and what kind of changing we should bring in ourselves.   Some main reason of suicide is ·          If we are totally separated from society ·          If we are comparing from that kind of personality in front of them, we are nothing, we understand that time ·          We are worthless no one is there for me in society (lack of close friend or real friend) ·          We have not that much strength to fight with situation, tolerate the situation or loneliness ·          Lack of emotional support, when we no one is there to support me emotionally where we can share our emotion our heart, ...


IN Todays society day by day and every day rape cases is increasing in society  , after so many effort  of government and after so many hard and tough rules for criminal still cases is incresing there is a big reason behind this and we are promoting that , ans that is pornography. We should focus on root cause In any crime when police caught any criminal they immediately not punish him or they immediately not hanged him policemen apply lots of trick and strategy to know the root cause of crime or criminal ,because government do not want to kill the criminal they want to end the crime and root cause of crime . Todays situation In the same way today we see lots of rape of women   is happening in world. Only in USA every year 237,868 victims of sexual assault every year, and many of them do not reveal, the average is 20 we can think this is so common in most safest and secure country of the world even after rape women do not want to go in police station t...


As a counselor and life coach what i have observed in last five year specially in the case of live in relationship i am going to tell you some critical thing it may be appears some harsh but this is reality try to read carefully and think on it .  If you are thinking to go in live in relationship wait ! just think before it this is okay for you ? is this okay for your future ? we will discuss here which kinds of problem you are going to face or people are facing after living in relationship specially women . Nowadays especially in western world, it starts from western world and after that now so many countries started following this way of living specially modern youth . But we don't know the consequences , and in long term the result is coming like heartbreaking , depression, stress, suicide . In one research it is found that 70 percent cases of living in relationship they do not able to maintain whole life, after some time they separate before marriage or they take divorce after ...


Often we when we live in home for so long relationship started becoming weak or some time fight or debate also so how can we make more stronger relationship with partner while living in home these are some beautiful tips by applying this we can spent happily time with partner. 1.Give quality time to each other Most of the cases even if someone in home in lockdown period complains of partner is that their partner is not spending time with them .   Even while living together in home , one of the main reason of this problem is that addiction from gadgets even we don't know, that is addiction only because that is breaking our real relationships , if we are doing job online then our partners understand that we are doing work but if we just doing for entertainment then our partner not feels happy maybe that time they will tolerate but that increase grudges or it changes into fight also and this behaviour also increase distance in relationship , quality time mean give time with full att...


Enthusiasm is very important to become successful in any particular field or subject . A student , businessman, artist , sportsman or anyone else one who wants success he he should must be very enthusiastic in his field . Often we see that at the time of starting any work we have so much courage , enthusiasm and determination to start any project  or task , but after some time we started  losing  our enthusiasm in that task and we started feeling bor or started doing task out of duty and after some time we leave that task . what is the benefit of enthusiasm ?  Enthusiasm makes your work easier   if you are enthusiastic even toughest task you will i can do nothing is impossible i will do , i will achieve , you can take example of a subject if you are not interested in that you are just studying because that is your duty you have to study that  subject, somehow or other we read that subject without taking interest , but if you have interest in that subje...

Main cause of Divorce is lack of Emotion

Oh my dear friend , are you really in love with her ? Do you know what is love? what you are thinking that is not love ! that is lust only you just want to enjoy with her without any hurdle or obstruction  otherwise why you leave your last girlfriend , last time you also told me same thing that you are in love with her , but finally you left her after two year , you enjoyed alot with her you fulfill your physical desire but where is love ? so now at least you believe on me that what you are doing in any situation that is not love , i have remember your ex girlfriend she was crying alot and she also tried to commit suicide when you cheated her  so you are planning again to cheat a new girl , please leave her don't play with anyone emotions  you know if kill someone they will die immediately but this is so painful a person feel suffocation till their last breath , they will never enjoy again in his life with his heart they can do superficial but not from heart so just try t...

मन के पाँच विभाग (five departments of mind )

मन के पाँच प्रकार इस प्रकार है की हमार मन अलग अलग प्रकार से हमारे सरीर मे कार्य करता है वैदिक शस्त्रों के अनुसार जो की संसार का सबसे प्रामाणिक ग्रंथ है यदि उसकी माने तो ये तत्त्व जिससे की मन बना है वो सूक्ष्म रूप से पूरे ब्रम्हांड  मे फैला है और हमारे सरीर मे भी लेकिन ये अलग अलग रहकर कार्य करता है और हमारे शरीर के विभिन्न भागों को नियंत्रित करता है जो की इस प्रकार है की सर्वप्रथम ये जो हमारे पाँच ज्ञान इंद्रिय को नियंत्रित करता है जो की आँख , नाक , जीभ , कान, त्वचा है इन पांचों इंदिरीओ से हम ज्ञान लेते है ये भी मन के द्वारा नियंत्रित होता है इसके नियंत्रण करने वाला  जो मन होता है वो हमारे हर्दय मे होता है जिसको यजुर्वेद मे दैव मन कहते है इसकी पूरी जानकारी यजुर्वेद के ज्ञान पर आधारित है और दैव मन वही से नियंतान करता है , दूसरा विभाग हमारा यक्ष मन है जो की ह्रदय से ही काम करता है ये हमारे पांचों करमाइंद्रियों को नियंत्रित करता है जो की इस प्रकार है मुह, हाथ , पैर , गुदा , तथा उपस्थ , इन पांचों को नियंत्रित जो करता है उसे यक्ष मन कहते है आगे इस आत्मा का प्रधानमंत्री भी कहा गया है...